Field Naturalists Society of South Australia - Reptile and Frog Group
formally known as
South Australian Herpetology Group Inc.

Curl snake photographed at Withcelina SA by Aaron Fenner

Christmas picnic and walk 2017 at Sturt Gorge CP

Red-barred Dragon from the Whitchelina 2011. Photo taken Christopher Seidel

Curl snake photographed at Withcelina SA by Aaron Fenner
MEMBERSHIP ANNOUNCEMENT - In July 2022 SAHG joined the Field Naturalists Society of South Australia (FNSSA) and formed the Reptile and Frog Group (RAF Group). SAHG will now be known as FNSSA RAF Group
To become a Member of FNSSA please complete a Membership Form or visit the FNSSA Website
Follow us on Facebook
Field Naturalists Society of South Australia 2025 Lirabenda Endowment Fund Research Grants
The FNSSA is pleased to offer 10 Research Grants of up to $3,000 to further and promote research into the biota and natural environment of South Australia. Applications are now Open!
Applications Open Monday 9th December 2024 and close Friday 14th February 2025
Please find below the following 2024 Research Grant files to Download
2025-FNSSA-LEF Grants-InvitationToApply (PDF)
2025-FNSSA-LEF Grant Guidelines (PDF)
Application Form-2025-FNSSA-LEF Grant Application Form (Word)
Wednesday 19th February @ 7.30pm - FNSSA General Meeting
Location: Goodman Building, adjacent State Herbarium along Hackney Road, Adelaide. Metered parking available on Hackney Road.
Guest Speaker/Topic: Zoë Bowen TBA, Topic Fauna of Ironstone Hill CP & Munyeroo CP, Eyre Peninsula. A summary of multiple fauna survey events conducted by SAHG/FNSSA members between 2021-2024. Further information here.
Wednesday 19th March @ 7.30pm - FNSSA General Meeting
Location: Goodman Building, adjacent State Herbarium along Hackney Road, Adelaide. Metered parking available on Hackney Road.
Guest Speaker/Topic: Speaker TBA, Topic TBA
Friday 21st to Monday 24th March @ 7.30pm - Fauna Survey
Location: Dhilba Guuranda-Innes National Park. Please note that survey participant numbers will be limited and all participants will need to register and confirm attendance prior to the survey. Further information on the survey can be found here - DGINP Flyer and Registration Form.
Survey Leader: Zoë Bowen
Wednesday 16th April @ 7.30pm - FNSSA General Meeting
Location: Goodman Building, adjacent State Herbarium along Hackney Road, Adelaide. Metered parking available on Hackney Road.
Guest Speaker/Topic: Speaker TBA, Topic TBA
Wednesday 21st May @ 7.30pm - FNSSA General Meeting
Location: Goodman Building, adjacent State Herbarium along Hackney Road, Adelaide. Metered parking available on Hackney Road.
Guest Speaker/Topic: Speaker TBA, Topic TBA
Wednesday 18th June @ 7.30pm - FNSSA General Meeting
Location: Goodman Building, adjacent State Herbarium along Hackney Road, Adelaide. Metered parking available on Hackney Road.
Guest Speaker/Topic: Speaker TBA, Topic TBA
Wednesday 16th July @ 7.30pm - FNSSA General Meeting
Location: Goodman Building, adjacent State Herbarium along Hackney Road, Adelaide. Metered parking available on Hackney Road.
Guest Speaker/Topic: Speaker TBA, Topic TBA
Wednesday 20th August @ 7.30pm - FNSSA General Meeting
Location: Goodman Building, adjacent State Herbarium along Hackney Road, Adelaide. Metered parking available on Hackney Road.
Guest Speaker/Topic: Speaker TBA, Topic TBA
Wednesday 17th September @ 7.30pm - FNSSA General Meeting
Location: Goodman Building, adjacent State Herbarium along Hackney Road, Adelaide. Metered parking available on Hackney Road.
Guest Speaker/Topic: Speaker TBA, Topic TBA
Wednesday 15th October @ 7.30pm - FNSSA General Meeting
Location: Goodman Building, adjacent State Herbarium along Hackney Road, Adelaide. Metered parking available on Hackney Road.
Guest Speaker/Topic: Speaker TBA, Topic TBA
Wednesday 19th November @ 7.30pm - FNSSA General Meeting
Location: Goodman Building, adjacent State Herbarium along Hackney Road, Adelaide. Metered parking available on Hackney Road.
Guest Speaker/Topic: Speaker TBA, Topic TBA
Wednesday 17th August @ 7.30pm - FNSSA General Meeting
Location: Goodman Building, adjacent State Herbarium along Hackney Road, Adelaide. Metered parking available on Hackney Road.
Guest Speaker/Topic: Speaker TBA, Topic TBA
Snakes in Yards
Found a Snake in Your Yard?
Don't panic
Move people and pets to a safe location
Keep an eye on the snake - it may just be passing through or looking for water
Don't attempt to scare, catch or kill the snake. Most people are bitten when doing these things. Also there are a number harmless Legless Lizards that occur in SA that have been killed as a result of mistaken identity.
If you want the snake removed, call a register snake handler.
Further information on dealing with snakes can be found on the DEWNR Website
Please note: Whilst several SAHG members are qualified snake handlers, SAHG does not offer snake retrieval services.
Report a Reptile Sighting
Have you seen a reptile and need it identified or would like to see it added to the SA fauna records database?
Incidental reports of animal sightings are a valuable source of information when looking at the occurrence, distribution and conservation status of native animals and tracking pest species. If you would like to get a photograph identified or report a reptile (or any other animal) sighting, please send us an email with the following details:
- photograph
- date of sighting
- location (enable the GPS function on your smart phone or digital camera)
- any questions you may have.
Emails can be sent to:
- Peter Matejcic -
- Adrian Uren - or
SAHG can verify the sighting details and add them, on your behalf, to the state fauna records.
Citizen Science
If you are thinking about being a Citizen Scientist there are a wide range of citizen science projects you can become involved with. There are a huge variety of projects on offer ranging from your local neighborhood to the galaxy and beyond, many of which require the simple download of a free App to your smart phone.
Current Australian Apps include:
Atlas of Living Australia
FrogSpotter (SA)
Find out more at
Frogs, Frogs, Frogs
Seen or heard any frogs recently and want to identify them, Want to know where they live? Enjoy being a Citizen Scientist?
Check out the FrogWatch website, register, download the App and start learning about our local frogs today.
Murray River Turtles in Decline
Unfortunately our Turtles are losing the battle against egg predation, declining water flows and development. The biggest threat to Turtles is egg predation. It is estimated that there is currently a 98% mortality rate of eggs and that foxes account for 92% of egg loss.
If you live or play on the Murray River and are keen to help our native turtles, check out and see how you can help contribute to monitoring and protecting turtles.
The following information may also be of interest:
Turtles as Pets
Thinking about getting a pet Tortoise/Turtle?
Turtles make great pets - they are quite, allergy free and like to hibernate through winter. But before you purchase that cute little hatch-ling please consider the following:
they are a pet for life - literally - they live a lot longer than your average dog or cat and often may need to be cared for by 2 or 3 generations of your family (our family turtle is 35 years old and is still going strong)
they are not fish and should not be kept in a water tank unless they have access to a basking rock out of the water
as they grow their enclosure needs to grow in size with them. Outdoor enclosures with a pond, vegetation and natural sunlight are best.